Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Couch to 5k

Well this is a new venture for me, I've never written a blog before so if it starts off crap then bear with me:)
So, I've started running after a few years of not really much exercise, I tried running about three years ago but I over did it and gave up at pretty much the first hurdle. I have a few friends who run competitively and never quite got the attraction, I suppose it was those years in the army when I HAD to do it.
And then,I found a copy of runners world magazine at work, started to read it and thought to myself 'i might give this running lark another shot'. After looking on the app store for a couch to 5k program I came across one called Get running, the difference between this and other apps was it used a 'human' voice and was a lot more user friendly, and included a form to share running experiences with other people who were starting their running story.
That was two months ago and now I have only one more run to go and I've completed the program, it is by far the best app and would recommend it to any one who is thinking about starting running.
So now, having almost reached my 5k milestone its onwards and upwards, because I signed up to run the Birmingham half marathon in October, and then the work really starts! By writing this blog I hope I can encourage any one reading to start running, because any body can do it, if done properly :) And by writing this then hopefully it will give me the motivation to carry on and see where this journey will take me.

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